In February 2019 the city of Padang experienced a deflation of 0.44 percent and the City of Bukittinggi experienced a deflation of 0.49 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Solok Municipality

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In February 2019 the city of Padang experienced a deflation of 0.44 percent and the City of Bukittinggi experienced a deflation of 0.49 percent

Release Date : March 1, 2019
File Size : 1.27 MB


Deflation in the city of Padang was due to a significant decrease in the index in the foodstuffs group, which was 2.50 percent.
Deflation in the city of Bukittinggi was caused by a decrease in the index in 2 (two) expenditure groups. The highest decrease occurred in the food expenditure group by 2.58 percent.

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