The number of foreign tourist visits to Sumatera barat through the Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) entrance in March 2024 reached 2,976 visits - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Solok Municipality

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The number of foreign tourist visits to Sumatera barat through the Minangkabau International Airport (BIM) entrance in March 2024 reached 2,976 visits

Release Date : May 2, 2024
File Size : 1.57 MB


In March 2024, there will be 2,976 foreign tourist visits to Sumatera Barat through the Minangkabau International Airport entrance.
    The ROR for star hotels in Sumatera Barat in March 2024 is 33.84 percent. The average length of stay for foreign and Indonesian guests at star-rated hotels during the March 2024 period is 1.28 days
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