In 2023, the rice harvest area in Sumatera Barat will be 300,565 hectares with production of 1.482 million tons of GKG - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Solok Municipality

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In 2023, the rice harvest area in Sumatera Barat will be 300,565 hectares with production of 1.482 million tons of GKG

Release Date : March 1, 2024
File Size : 1.45 MB


The rice harvest area in 2022 will reach around 271,883 hectares, a decrease of 509 hectares or 0.19 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2021 which was 272,392 hectares.
    Rice production in 2022 is 1,373,532 tons of GKG, an increase of 56,323 tons or 4.28 percent compared to rice production in 2021 which was 1,317,209 tons of GKG.
    Rice production in 2022 for food consumption for the population will reach 795,306 tons, an increase of 32,612 tons or 4.28 percent compared to rice production in 2021 which was 762,694 tons.
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