November 2023, inflasi Year on Year Kota Padang sebesar 3,20 persen dan Kota Bukittinggi sebesar 2,69 persen. Secara agregat, inflasi Year on Year Gabungan 2 Kota sebesar 3,14 persen - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Solok Municipality

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November 2023, inflasi Year on Year Kota Padang sebesar 3,20 persen dan Kota Bukittinggi sebesar 2,69 persen. Secara agregat, inflasi Year on Year Gabungan 2 Kota sebesar 3,14 persen

Release Date : December 1, 2023
File Size : 1.81 MB


In November 2023, year on year (y-on-y) inflation in Padang City will be 3.20 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 117.22 and Bukittinggi City will be 2.69 percent with a CPI of 117.18. In aggregate, combined y-on-y inflation for the 2 cities was 3.14 percent with a CPI of 117.22.
    In November 2023, on a month-to-month (m-to-m) basis, inflation will occur in Padang City at 0.60 percent and in Bukittinggi City there will be inflation at 0.34 percent. In aggregate, combined m-to-m inflation for the 2 cities was recorded at 0.57 percent.
    Until November 2023, year to date (y-to-d) the inflation rate for Padang City is 2.20 percent and the inflation rate for Bukittinggi City is 2.02 percent. In aggregate, combined y-to-d inflation for the 2 cities was recorded at 2.18 percent
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