The export value from Sumatera Barat in October 2023 reached US$ 193.53 million and the import value from Sumatera Barat in October 2023 reached US$ 43.11 million - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Solok Municipality

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The export value from Sumatera Barat in October 2023 reached US$ 193.53 million and the import value from Sumatera Barat in October 2023 reached US$ 43.11 million

Release Date : December 1, 2023
File Size : 2.79 MB


The value of exports originating from Sumatera Barat in October 2023 was US$193.53 million, an increase of 4.07 percent compared to exports in September 2023.
    The most exported category of goods in October 2023 was animal/vegetable fats & oils (HS 15) amounting to US$153.02 million, followed by the various chemical products group (HS 38) amounting to US$8.12 million, and the vegetable ingredients group (HS 14) amounting to US$6.87 million.
    The import value of Sumatera Barat in October 2023 was US$43.11 million, an increase of 132.45 percent compared to imports in September 2023.
    The largest category of imported goods in October 2023 was mineral fuel (HS 27) amounting to US$34.26 million
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