In 2023, the rice harvest area in Sumatera Barat is estimated to be 296,492 hectares Rice production is around 1,457,502 tons of milled dry grain (MDG). - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Solok Municipality

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In 2023, the rice harvest area in Sumatera Barat is estimated to be 296,492 hectares Rice production is around 1,457,502 tons of milled dry grain (MDG).

Release Date : November 1, 2023
File Size : 3.54 MB


The rice harvest area in 2023 is estimated to be around 296,492 hectares, an increase of 24,609 hectares or 9.05 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2022 which was 271,883 hectares.
Rice production in 2023 is estimated at 1,457,502 tons of GKG, an increase of 83,970 tons of GKG or 6.11 percent compared to rice production in 2022 which was 1,373,532 tons of GKG.
Rice production in 2023 for food consumption for the population is estimated to be around 843,927 tons, an increase of 48,621 tons or 6.11 percent compared to rice production in 2022 which was 795,306 tons
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